Posted by : Fitri Nurhayati วันเสาร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

It has long been known if the right-handed people – who are about 90 percent of the population – have left-hemisphere dominant brains, and left-handed people the vice versa. But the division of making conclusion actually is not that simple. Around 95 percent of right-handed people, the left hemisphere almost handles language and the right emotion and image processing; on the other hand, just around 20 percent of lefties experience such strict division. This research is based to the result of some researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.

According to the report published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit’s researchers found if most people who hold their cellphone to the right ear have left-hemisphere dominance.

This report might make you wonder, then, who cares? The researchers’ leader, Michael Seidman, director of the division of otologic and neurotologic surgery in the Departent of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Henry Ford Hospital, said if these findings actually have several implications. The main of these findings is that it can help us better understanding the language center of our brain. He added if establishing a correlation between cerebral dominance and sidedness of cellphone use, it may be possible to develop a less-invasive, lower-cost option to set the side of brain where speech and language happens rather than the Wada Test, which refers to a procedure that injects an anesthetic into the carotid artery to put part of the brain to sleep to map activity.

What’s more? The findings also reveal that the cellphone use may not be correlated to brain, head and neck tumors, knowing that nearly 80 percent of people who became the research subjects hold the cellphone to the right ear and yet cancer does not appear more often on that side of the brain, head, or neck.

A research done by Dr. Seidman before he looked into cellphone handedness was that he noticed if most people use their right hand to hold cellphone to their right ear. After that, the research team started to send online survey to 5,000 people who were either patients undergoing Wada and MRI for non-invasive localization or with an online otology group. The 90 percent of the respondents were righties with 9 percent lefties and 1 percent ambidextrous.

Questions that were served at the survey including time spent talking on cellphones, diagnoses of head or neck tumors, and hand dominance for tasks such as writing. According to the survey, almost 70 percent of right-handed respondents held the phone on their right ear, 25 percent to the left, and the 7 percent to either ear. Next, 72 percent of lefties used their left ears, 23 percent used their right ears and 5 percent had no preference.

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